All Exhibitions

Ray Chi: Snowman

Nov 21–Mar 11, 2020

The Vitrine

Ray Chi’s Snowman draws connections between cycles in nature, inevitable mortality, and technological obsolescence. Inspired by a stack of outdated monitors in a thrift store, the rapidly melting snowman represents the accelerated pace at which technology is fated to an increasingly shortened lifespan.

Ray Chi is a Milwaukee based artist whose work combines both form and function. Chi is known for his site-specific work, ranging from large-scale outdoor installations, to more intimate sized furniture. He has exhibited at Real Tinsel, Milwaukee; Union Art Gallery, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee; Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee; Villa Terrace Decorative Arts Museum, Milwaukee; Frederick Layton Gallery, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Milwaukee; Gavin Brown’s Passerby Gallery, New York; and Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles.

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